Golden Self-Blanching Celery – Heirloom Seeds by Liliana’s Garden


Harvested and Packed in the USA. Approx. 750 Seeds of “Golden” Self-Blanching Celery. Germination Rate 87% minimum. Easy to grow and harvest.


How to Grow Golden Self-Blanching Celery:

Growing Golden Self-Blanching celery can be a rewarding experience. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start seeds indoors: Golden Self-Blanching celery seeds should be started indoors about 8-10 weeks before the last frost date in your area. Sow the seeds in seed-starting mix and keep them warm and moist until they germinate.
  2. Transplant seedlings: Once the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, transplant them into individual pots filled with potting soil. Keep the plants under grow lights or in a sunny window.
  3. Harden off plants: A week before transplanting the celery plants outdoors, gradually expose them to outdoor conditions by placing them outside for a few hours each day.
  4. Choose a planting site: Celery prefers a site with full sun to partial shade, and soil that is rich in organic matter, moist, and well-draining.
  5. Transplant seedlings: Transplant the celery seedlings into the garden after the last frost date, spacing them about 6-8 inches apart in rows that are 2-3 feet apart.
  6. Water regularly: Celery requires consistent moisture, so water the plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  7. Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.
  8. Blanch the celery: Self-blanching celery will keep itself a nice, tender golden color without help from mounded soil or blanching cones. However, if it is allowed to get too hot and dry, this celery type may scorch more easily than others. Planting celery in the early Spring or Fall can help avoid this problem.
  9. Harvest: Harvest the self-blanching celery when the stalks are about 8-10 inches tall and the leaves are bright green and glossy. Cut the stalks at the base of the plant with a sharp knife. If you leave the roots intact, it may be possible to get another small harvest from the same plant before the end of the season.


The 10 Questions We Are Asked the Most About Golden Self-Blanching Celery

Sure, here’s a 10 question FAQ for growing Golden Self-Blanching Celery:

  1. What is Golden Self-Blanching Celery? Golden Self-Blanching celery is a type of celery with pale yellow-green stalks that are tender, crisp, and sweet.
  2. When should I plant Golden Self-Blanching Celery? Start Golden Self-Blanching celery seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost date in your area, and transplant the seedlings outdoors after the last frost date.
  3. What kind of soil does Golden Self-Blanching Celery prefer? Golden Self-Blanching celery prefers a soil that is rich in organic matter, moist, and well-draining.
  4. How much sun does Golden Self-Blanching Celery need? Golden Self-Blanching celery prefers a site with full sun to partial shade.
  5. How often should I water Golden Self-Blanching Celery? Golden Self-Blanching celery requires consistent moisture, so water the plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  6. What kind of fertilizer should I use for Golden Self-Blanching Celery? Apply a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.
  7. What is celery blanching? Blanching is the process of covering the celery stalks with soil or celery blanching cones to protect them from sunlight and keep them tender and sweet.
  8. How do I blanch Golden Self-Blanching Celery? Golden celery is self-blanching.
  9. When is Golden Self-Blanching Celery ready to harvest? Golden Self-Blanching celery is ready to harvest when the stalks are about 8-10 inches tall and the leaves are bright green and glossy.
  10. How do I harvest Golden Self-Blanching Celery? Harvest Golden Self-Blanching celery by cutting the stalks at the base of the plant with a sharp knife.



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